Posts Tagged ‘Greek yogurt’


Tzatziki Sauce

December 5, 2011

Tzatziki is a classic greek-ish middle-eastern sauce.  Perfect for falafel or gyros (which I should really try to make sometime…).  I’m sure it’s good with a lot of other things as well…things that I’m going to have to find because I have a LOT of it now.  Whatever.  It’s delicious, oh darn.

Obviously when I decided to make falafel I knew I would have to make tzatziki sauce as well.  I can’t really imagine eating falafel without it.  It would be sacrilegious.  Luckily, tzatziki sauce is ridiculously easy.  The only issue I had was that my blender isn’t a food processor…so it took me a long time to liquify the cucumber, and as you can see from the picture there were still some cucumber lumps that I just couldn’t get out.  Whatever, I’m ok with it.


1 cucumber, peeled and cut into chunks

1 1/2 cups greek yogurt

1 clove garlic, minced

salt and pepper to taste


1. Chop the cucumber in a food processor until more or less liquified.  Then, combine the cucumber, yogurt, and garlic.  Season with salt and pepper.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.