
Avocado-Corn Salad

July 12, 2012

Avocados are one of my favorite summertime foods.  They have such a smooth, cool taste that’s perfect for warm weather months and—if you’re anything like me—the limited amount of actual “cooking” you’re willing to do when the temperature maxes out over about 85.

I’ve been staying with my mom for the last few weeks while I transition to Chicago (next week! omg, so excited!), and I was ecstatic to see avocados in her fridge when I got home!  I eyed them up for about a week before I figured she didn’t have any specific plans for them and I could do whatever my heart desired with them!

Now, my heart usually desires guacamole when I see avocados.  I’m fairly addicted to tortilla chips, so making guacamole is usually the perfect excuse for me to legitimize buying—and consuming—an entire bag of tortilla chips in a couple of days.  In fact, I was planning to make guacamole the day I ended up making this salad instead.  You just have to learn to be flexible when you can’t get the ingredients you originally want (cilantro, in the case of my guac) for a meal, and sometimes that flexibility really pays off!

This salad is a great alternative to your run-of-the-mill lettuce, cucumber, and tomato salad.  I usually refuse to make salads most of the time, and especially not for dinner, because I just find them so boring.  Maybe for my lunch at work or something, but for dinner?  No way, a salad is usually SO lame and boring.  With avocados and an interesting blended dressing, however, this salad is anything  but boring.  I’d happily make this salad just for myself and my roommates, or to serve to guests.  It’s so different that you’re bound to get asked about the recipe, I did!  I served it on the side with a light chicken dish, but the avocado and corn really add enough weight to make this a great main course salad for dinner on those days when you think you’d rather starve than adding to the heat by turning on your stove.

Ingredients (serves 4 as main dish, 8 as side):

2 heads of lettuce (I use romaine, but that’s really just a personal preference)

1 red pepper, chopped

2 (14.5 oz) cans of corn, drained

2 avocados, peeled, pitted, and cubed

For dressing:

3 tbsp blue cheese salad dressing (ranch would probably also work if you’re really anti-blue cheese)

1/3 cup red wine vinegar

1/3 cup olive oil

1 tbsp honey

  1. Combine lettuce, pepper, corn, and avocado in a large bowl, stir carefully to avoid smashing the avocado.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the blue cheese dressing, red wine vinegar, olive oil, and honey.
  3. Pour the dressing mixture over the salad immediately before serving and toss to coat.

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