
BBQ Chicken Pizza

November 14, 2011

BBQ sauce is probably my favorite condiment in the world.  Some people love ranch, but frankly I think they must be dirty communists.  BBQ is where it’s at.  Random aside, I should probably try to make some from scratch one of these days.  But seriously, I love that stuff.  I’ll dip my fries in that stuff, put it on bratwursts (much to my friends’ confusion when I did that a month or so ago), ALWAYS put it on burgers, and try to incorporate it into pizza as often as possible.  Honestly, if I could always use BBQ on my pizza instead of tomato sauce, I think I would.  But, other people eat my pizzas, so I have to be “normal” most of the time and just be satisfied with making BBQ chicken pizza (probably my all-time favorite kind of pizza) every so often to satisfy my cravings.

If you’re been living under a rock your entire life and have never experienced the joys of a BBQ chicken pizza, I am requiring that you immediately go to the store, buy some Sweet Baby Ray’s (the best BBQ sauce, hands down), and immediately make this pizza.  Like, tonight.  You won’t be sorry.  And if you already know that my obsession is warranted, then make sure you rekindle your love for BBQ chicken with this pizza asap.

Ingredients (makes pizza, about 4 servings):

1 store-bought pizza crust, or homemade pizza dough

1 chicken breast

1/2 cup BBQ sauce (I recommend Sweet Baby Ray’s), divided

1 tbsp olive oil

1 clove garlic, minced (so necessary, I’ve made this without the garlic before and it’s not nearly as good)

1/2 onion, sliced

2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

1/4 cup roasted red peppers, sliced



1. Preheat over according to crust directions or to 400 degrees F for homemade dough.

2. In a small skillet, cook the chicken breast and 1/4 cup BBQ sauce covered over medium-low heat until cooked through and meat can be shredded with a fork.  Shred the chicken and allow it to continue cooking in the sauce for 5-10 additional minutes.  Meanwhile, cook garlic and onions over low heat for about 10 minutes.

3. Place crust or prepared dough on a pizza pan and cover with remaining BBQ sauce.  Sprinkle with cheese and top with cooked chicken, onions and garlic, and roasted red peppers.  Bake according to crust directions, or for homemade dough for 20-25 minutes, until crust begins to brown and cheese is bubbly.

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